Buy our (adorable) bottles once,and refill forever!

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Refill and Reuse Icon
Refill. Reuse. #Reduceplastic.

Our packaging is not only lovable, but sustainable. Your kids won't want to part with our squeezable bottles, and they won't have to. Our 8oz animal-shaped bottles are made of food-grade silicone, making them nontoxic, durable and reusable. Simply refill with our value pouches.

One refill Image
One refill
Four bubbs! Image
Four bubbs!

40% less $$$

75% less packaging

Less costly for you and the planet

Our eco-friendly refill model is better for the Earth, and your wallet. Each value size is priced competitively with leading natural skincare brands on a per-ounce basis.

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Subscribe + Save 15% Forever!

Plus save an additional $20+ when you buy multiple refills!

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Ready to get saving?
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