The most prized baby shower gifts—the ones we still remember years later—aren’t the biggest ticket items, but instead are the bundles of goodies that were curated by your most knowledgable mom friends. Us Bubbsi moms feel very strongly about the importance of bath time—and about our favorite tubs, towels and other bath accoutrement, in both modern and playful styles. Here is a step-by-step guide to putting together the best-ever bath time gift set in case you want to go all out the next time you’re invited to a baby shower. (You can, of course, shop these mom-favorites a la carte!). And we've shown you options for a Modern and Traditional mom, so you can make sure you buy for her style.

Step One: Choose a tub from our three favorites.
Traditional: This Fisher Price set works for all stages, from newborn on.
Modern: We know a few moms who swear by the Puj Tub, a futuristic folding foam contraption that fits into most sinks.
Playful: I mean, what kid wouldn’t go crazy for a blow-up duckie bath?
Step Two: Stock up on Bubbsi products
Our Creamy Coconut Oil Shampoo + Wash is gentle enough for an infant’s very first bath. The multipurpose Coconut Oil Balm is not only great for diaper rash and cradle cap, it can be used as an oil cleanser—rubbed on baby’s skin or added right to the bath. And the National Eczema Institution recommends moisturizing within three minutes of getting out of the tub—our Whipped Coconut Oil Body Cream is perfect for that. Save some dough when you order all three, The Whole Gang!
Step Three: Cushion Mom’s knees!
Modern: Kneeling on tile is unpleasant. This bath kneeler fixes that issue, and comes with elbow pads, too!
Playful: Skip Hop’s Moby Bath Kneeler protects her knees, and is cute to boot.
Step Four: Choose a soft hooded towel.
Modern: The fluffy Restoration Hardware towels can be monogrammed!
Playful: Yikes Twins makes high-quality hooded towels that resemble creatures such as One-Eyed Monsters or Unicorns, and that are large and thick enough to last well past the toddler years.
Modern Yet Playful: Honestly what’s cuter than this Elegant Baby elephant towel, in a chic gray? And, they offer monogramming.
Step Five: Don’t forget the aprés bath!
The Keekaroo Peanut Changer is the ideal spot to dry baby off and diaper them up. We love how squishy and comfy this piece is, and how easy it is to wipe down—no need to stock a wide array of changing pad covers and all the laundry that entails! The changer is contoured to hold baby safely, and fit on top of any piece of furniture.
Our coconut oil Shampoo + Wash is key to a moisturizing bath time routine, and the Whipped Body Cream and Coconut Oil Balm keep the moisture locked in. Check out the whole trio here.