How to Care for Kids’ Curly Hair

How to Care for Kids’ Curly Hair

Ever since we’ve launched our hair conditioner, we’ve been hearing from so many customers that Bubbsi products are great for their curly kids hair. One fan of our Hair Duo (kids shampoo for curly hair plus moisturizing conditioner) is Jill Agpar, the founder of Coco Beans, a company that makes silk crib sheets specifically for curly hair, so she is something of a curly kids hair products expert! (Silk is friendlier to curls than cotton, preventing frizz and tangles.) We sat down to ask her all of our pressing curly hair questions. Bonus: Her tips work for any kids’ hair that tangles!



What inspired you to start Coco Beans?

My husband and I adopted our daughter, Cora (nickname: Coco Beans) in late 2018. She is biracial, and among the normal new parent anxieties we experienced, I was concerned with caring for Cora's beautiful curly hair. She was sleeping on cotton sheets and waking up with tangles that I couldn't get under control. Coincidently, I was experiencing amazing hair and skin results from sleeping on a 100% silk pillowcase. It then dawned on me—why not buy Cora 100% silk crib sheets? When I couldn't find a set that met my standards, I leveraged my corporate experience in product development and global sourcing to create them myself. Cora started sleeping on the first prototypes and the results were almost immediate. Her hair was so much more manageable in the mornings, she LOVED the soft handfeel of the fabric and we actually saw improvements in her skin, because she struggles with eczema and other skin sensitivities.

What is your daughter's hair routine?

I should preface this by saying that we are still learning and these routines have been pieced together through the generous wisdom of some incredible women! 


  1. Fill a continuous spray bottle with water and generously spray hair until it's dripping wet. This is my curly kids hair products must-have!
  2. I run my fingers through her curls before combing any tangles with a wide tooth wooden comb.  
  3. Spray with a curly kids hair product such as a hair detangler or a continuous spray bottle shaken up with water and a squeeze of Bubbsi conditioner and comb through.
  4. Once her hair is completely tangle-free, I gauge her mood before deciding style (read: will she sit still long enough for anything more complicated than a single pony?).

Bathtime (Non-Hair Wash Days): 

  1. Fill a continuous spray bottle with a squeeze of Bubbsi conditioner and water—shake, shake, shake to create a leave-in conditioner mist. It’s the greatest curly kids hair product—it makes her hair so soft!
  2. Spray the conditioner mist until her hair is dripping wet. 
  3. Comb any tangles from the day.
  4. Quick towel dry (so there is no dripping) and let it dry naturally.

Bathtime (Hair Wash Days): 

  1. Fill a continuous spray bottle with water and generously spray Cora's hair until it's dripping wet. (Are you sensing a theme yet?) 
  2. Lather kids shampoo for curly hair. We love Bubbsi’s, and Cora loves the bottle! (Side note: We also LOVE the new container for the balm. Cora calls it her "new bubs.") 
  3. Rinsing: This where things start to get interesting. Cora's bathroom transforms into a splash pad and I almost always wind up in the tub! We recently installed a handheld shower head to help manage it and while it certainly saves time. 
  4. Follow Non-Hair Wash bathtime steps 1-4.
  5. Treats and snuggles for Cora (cocktails for Mom and Dad)! 


Cora has been sleeping on versions of Coco Beans 100% silk crib sheets since she was 6 months old. Now that she is old enough for a pillow, she also uses a silk pillowcase! We have tried bonnets, but they don't always stay on through the night.


Do you have any curly hair maintenance dos and don'ts?

Do: Invest in a continuous spray bottle—this was a game changer for us! 

Do: Moisturize and condition using curly kids hair products with natural oils! We are big fans of coconut oil and try to stay away from anything with too much fragrance. Bubbsi fits the bill perfectly.

Do: Use a wide tooth comb instead of a brush! I use the tip of the comb to separate her hair into sections which makes everything more manageable.

Don't: Wash too often! In the summer, we wash once a week MAX and definitely go for longer stretches during the colder months when she isn't getting super sweaty!

What about the hair routine does your daughter like and not like? Does she have opinions on how she wears her hair?

Cora is super sensitive to having her face and hair wet. She absolutely melts down when I even hint that it's hair wash day. We implemented the spray bottle method and it was an absolutely game changer because it allows me to really control the water. I want her to grow up feeling proud of her curly hair so I try to make it feel fun. We read lots of books about curly hair which have been super encouraging. Some of our favorites are Hair Love, Hair Like Mine and Don't Touch My Hair

She hasn't expressed strong opinions about hair styles quite yet, but I can feel it coming since she recently started picking out her own outfits! I do try to keep the styling as simple and natural as possible to preserve her natural texture.


Hear it from another mama:


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Bubbsi’s curly kids hair products have everything you need to enhance your kids beautiful curls!

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Bubbsi Creamy Coconut Oil Shampoo + Wash + Conditioner
happy hair for a year
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$168.00 $140.00